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Using Construction Lines

Using Construction Lines in the Panel DesignerPremium Feature

Construction Lines are vital tools for panel designers, allowing you to accurately position and align your instruments and components. These temporary guides help you organize elements efficiently without appearing in the final design, ensuring a clean and professional layout.

Adding Construction Lines: To add Construction Lines, locate the Construction Lines tool in the lower toolbar of the Panel Designer interface. This tool is represented by four intersecting lines forming a box. Click on either the horizontal or vertical line to add a Construction Line to your panel. You can add multiple Construction Lines as needed, placing them manually on your panel or snapping them to existing instruments and components.

Moving Construction Lines: Once added, you can move a Construction Line by simply clicking and dragging it to your desired location on the panel design. For more precise adjustments, use the “Center on Panel” tool by selecting the Construction Line and clicking the Center on Panel button in the lower toolbar. This will automatically position the Construction Line at the center of your panel.

Moving by Direction and Dimensions: For exact placement, select the Construction Line you wish to move and click the Move by Dimension button in the lower toolbar. Choose the direction you want to move the line (e.g., up, down, left, right) and specify the distance. Click Move to apply the changes, ensuring your Construction Line is positioned accurately according to your design requirements.

Centering on Panel: To center a Construction Line on your panel, select the line and click the Center on Panel button. This tool automatically aligns the Construction Line to the exact center of your panel, providing a precise reference point for aligning other instruments and components.

Deleting Construction Lines: If a Construction Line is no longer needed, removing it is straightforward. Click on the Construction Line to highlight it and then click the Delete button in the lower toolbar. This will remove the Construction Line from your panel design.

Hiding Construction Lines: If you prefer not to delete your Construction Lines but want to remove them from view, you can hide them. Click the Construction Lines toolbar button and select the Show/Hide option. This will toggle the visibility of all Construction Lines, allowing you to work without the temporary guides cluttering your workspace.

To get the most out of Construction Lines, plan your layout in advance by sketching a rough design using these lines to define key areas and alignments. This planning allows you to hide Construction Lines as needed, preventing them from interfering with other design elements. Use only the necessary number of Construction Lines to avoid cluttering your workspace and regularly reference them as you add or modify components, ensuring consistent spacing and alignment throughout your design.

Video – Using Construction Lines